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Are you having trouble coming up with a business name? That's common. When something is so important to you and you want to succeed, you know you need a catchy name. The way I decided on my business name was this:

First, I thought about what type of items I wanted to sell and then what type of theme or feeling I wanted my customers to be reminded of when they saw my handcrafted products. I thought about the colors I wanted to use and how the colors would make people feel--happy and warm so they would feel good about buying from my business.

Then, of course, I had to think about my target market. Your target market is the type of people who will want to buy your products. What is their age(s), gender(s), and income? Where do they live? Are you selling a regional product? You need to come up with something that will appeal to this type of person. It's perfectly fine to have more than one type of person as your target market. This step is easier than it sounds once you begin brainstorming and don't forget to jot down some notes for your own reference later on.

I finally decided on a list of business names. I repeated them out loud (sometimes several times) trying to decide if the name had a good ring to it. I came up with a company quote using the list of business names while driving home from a business start-up meeting. By the time I arrived home, I had a business name. I asked a few people for their thoughts on the name and quote I had come up with and they approved. It was all set then. It was time to order my business cards and get started promoting my business.

Good luck with your business name. Grab a piece of paper and a pen and start brainstorming your way to your new business.