Hello Dear Readers,

Welcome to my blog. Here you will find
crafty tutorials, crafty business tips, and my miscellaneous thoughts. Pour yourself some
tea and enjoy the journey.

My, oh, my! I can hardly believe summer is almost over. Where have I been while all of the summer fun has been going on? This morning, it occured to me how much in life we all take for granted at some point.

Even after cutting my computer time back to less than half of what it previously was, I am still not using my time wisely enough. I have been getting up earlier too and TV time hasn't been an issue in years as I never watched it much anyway but what am I accomplishing every day? Not as much as I want to! I can sure tell you this.

Today, I'm going to work on my pillow and candle orders to get those knocked out of the way so I can enjoy some much needed family time with my girls. I can hardly wait! See you later and I hope you enjoy this beautiful summer day as much as I plan to.
If you ever sell your crafty creations then you have probably heard of Etsy and Artfire--to only name a few of the wonderful selling venues out there. Artfire was running a special price to sign up for their Pro Account and I decided to take the plunge and do it. You can still get in on the deal but the price has gone up $4 to $9.95. Artfire offers wonderful seller tools to help you set up shop and start taking orders. I really like it so far. Click the following link if you are interested in setting up your own online shop and studio.


I am offering a special offer for the next 30 days--a 10% off coupon for any purchase through my Artfire studio! I can do custom orders too. I offer several more items than what I have listed on Artfire so bare with me while I add these.

Visit PrimitivePillows's Studio
SAVE 10.00 % On
All Items
Use Coupon Code:
during checkout.
I am getting ready to crawl out of my warm covers to go out to my suburban garage workshop to pour some candles. My girls are still asleep as they have worked hard the day before reading books and taking care of their two little fuzzball mutt puppies. The girls acquired these little things from my mother-in-law on a recent visit. I never thought I would surround myself with dogs as I am extremely allergic to them but I find it being ever-more difficult to turn down cute little faces (the furry ones and my little girls'.)

One day last week I woke and realized this was the turning point in my life and in all of our lives in this house, although I may the only person in this house who realizes this. For some reason, I don't think my husband and my daughters quite believe me when I tell them this fact but I know it none-the-less.

This year will be the first year we are homeschooling. I truly regret not homeschooling from the very first day of my daughter's school career. We are so looking forward to using the Little House on the Prairie series as our themed curriculum. I do think it is the perfect choice as my girls remind me of Laura and Mary from the television series. I'm not really sure my kids have ever even seen the show! I grew up watching the show every week with my grandparents in the 1980's and then eventually watching the reruns every day in the 1990's. Honestly, I have not seen the show in many years now and I can hardly wait to revisit the shows and enjoy them with my girls.

It is 7:40 am and I should already be out there pouring those candles I have put off long enough. I think I may need a cup of coffee and some toast first. How do you begin your morning? Do you homeschool and if so, what curriculums have you used? Please leave a comment and let me know. I enjoy reading what others have to say so maybe I can pick up a bit of wisdom to tuck away for later.

God is showing me wonderful things lately and all I have to do is listen to his guideful whispers to keep me on track. I am looking forward to our lives from this point forward. I can hardly wait to jump right on in here and start anew! Thank you for joining me on this journey to self-rediscovery and true happiness blended with simplicity and truth.

Blessings Always,

So that means I can now take pictures and that is exactly what I did this morning. Here are the daylilies I planted last year. I love these orange flowers! My neighbor gave them to me but it was my job to dig them up. It took me several days to get them all. Luckily, my husband helped me plant them at the edge of our driveway that needs to be paved so badly. However, after taking this picture, the gravel is almost endearing and blends in well with the old-fashioned native lilies. Please excuse the high grass as my husband is out of town and I haven't had the pleasure of mowing our huge yard since he left. Maybe I can do that today. . . then again, maybe I just simply will be unable to find the time. Enjoy your afternoon!

Have you ever wanted a nice calligraphic font to incorporate into your design? I was searching for the perfect font and came across this great site. Several fancy fonts are offered and they all look great.
Check them out here.
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